Managing the Wellhead Protection Area

Protecting the area around the wellhead requires the cooperation of businesses and residents in the wellhead protection area. While regulatory or zoning methods are managment options, education and voluntary best management practices are often the preferred way to protect a wellhead area. 

Read over our Extension publication Management Options for Wellhead Protection

Best Management Practices (BMP's) are measures or practices designed to prevent or reduce pollution. Most are voluntary in nature, and are enacted by responsible individuals and companies to limit liability and to increase productivity. A few examples of best management practices that are useful for ensuring good water quality and effective wellhead protection include:
  • recycling and reuse of waste products
  • regular septic tank pumping and inspections
  • timing and placement of chemicals on agricultural land to provide for maximum effectiveness and minimum run-off and infiltration 
  • secondary containment on above ground storage tanks

For more information contact Jane Frankenberger (
or Brent Ladd (
or call the Purdue Extension Safe Water office at 765-496-6331

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