URL Jump Registry

Register a new URL

Due to the way different email clients handle very long URLs, URLs are sometimes broken up across multiple lines. When this happens, the recipient can no longer easily click on the URL to open the link. This utility allows for the creation of a short URL that can be pasted into emails.

This utility can only be used for sites hosted on the Engineering Web Cluster.

Add Engineering Jump URL Creator to your Toolbar

Click and drag the Jump URL link to your toolbar: Add Purdue Engineering Jump URL

Programming Syntax

To programatically add URLs to the Jump URL Registry, add the following to your Python Script:
url = 'https://engineering.purdue.edu/PATH/TO/WHATEVER'
jumpurl = container.getRoot().ECN.Ztools.Jump.registerUrl(url=url create_new=1)

Note: don't create situations where large numbers of shortcuts will be generated automatically!